Place an Order
Complete the order form to submit your order online.
We’ll be in touch during business hours to confirm details and payment info. At this time, we accept payment by VISA and MASTERCARD. We do not accept VISA DEBIT or E-TRANSFER.
If you haven’t heard back from us within 24 hours, please be in touch to confirm that your order was received.
Same-day deliveries are not guaranteed during floral holidays.
Need flowers ASAP? Like, now?! We can make miracles happen.
Email our VIP host for some seriously special service.
Having difficulty placing your online order?
Please call us at 780 437 7493 and we are happy to take your details over the phone.
Book a Consultation
Planning a wedding, party, or big event? Fill out our consultation form and book a time with us to meet and work out all the beautiful details